Thursday, April 26, 2007

LUA: Speedwalk Plugin

Here is the speedwalk plugin that I have been working on, comes with all the current speedwalks.

You can also just scrape out the important parts and make it like a normal lua script with aliases.

Here it is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
<!-- Saved on Thursday, April 26, 2007, 2:13 PM -->
<!-- MuClient version 4.01 -->

<!-- Plugin "Speedwalker" generated by Plugin Wizard -->

purpose="This plugin gives you access to my speedwalks and subwalks."
date_written="2007-04-26 14:07:21"
<description trim="y">
This script uses two aliases to search through an array of speedwalks and subwalks. Subwalks start from the first room in the area. Some of them might be a bit faulty, as I update things, I will be cleaning them up and adding more, it's also still a bit disorganized. It's not the most efficient or feature rich, future versions will allow for searching, reversing etc.


sw (.*)

or, if you would like to send the sw to a friend, use this

For ftalk:

sw (.*) -ft

For a Reply to a Tell:

sw (.*) -reply

You can also send to the answer channel if you like. Just use -answer


<!-- Get our standard constants -->

<include name="constants.lua"/>

<!-- Aliases -->

match="^sw (.*)$"
match="^sw (.*) (?=\-([[:alpha:]]+))"

<!-- Script -->

sws = {}
sws[1] = {"Aarakocran City","run 2s4e3seswd2s7wswsws2wu"}
sws[2] = {"Aarakocran City: The Archipelago of Entropy","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w15w3n5w5n8wd"}
sws[3] = {"Aardwolf Estates","run 2s15w6n"}
sws[4] = {"Aardwolf Estates 2000","run 2s26en5e3n"}
sws[5] = {"Aardwolf Zoological Park","run 2s14en"}
sws[6] = {"Adventurers Guild","u"}
sws[7] = {"Adventurers Wayhouse","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w15w2nwn2ws"}
sws[8] = {"Alagh, the Blood Lands","run 2s17e2s6en15e"}
sws[9] = {"Amusement Park","run 2s4e3seswu"}
sws[10] = {"Ancient Greece","run 42s5s10w"}
sws[11] = {"Antharia","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw25n9ed"}
sws[12] = {"Anthrox","run 2s23e15s9e"}
sws[13] = {"Arboria","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w12w8n"}
sws[14] = {"Arisian Realm","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w7w3n"}
sws[15] = {"Art of Melody","run 2s5ws;dance"}
sws[16] = {"Artificers Mayhem","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w2w20s9wn"}
sws[17] = {"Astral Travels","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w10sw4s3w3su"}
sws[18] = {"Avian Kingdom","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w2w16s5ws"}
sws[19] = {"Black Lagoon","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw38n8w13n16w"}
sws[20] = {"Black Rose","run 22sunuw6s2wseu"}
sws[21] = {"Casino","run 6s3ws8e"}
sws[22] = {"Castle Reinhold","run 23s12w8s"}
sws[23] = {"Castle Vlad-Shamir","run 2s17e2s6en15e6e16s10e"}
sws[24] = {"Cataclysm","run 2s17e2s6en15e9e17n"}
sws[25] = {"Chessboard","run 2s5es;watch game"}
sws[26] = {"Childs Play","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw12nwn"}
sws[27] = {"Christmas Vacation","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw42n"}
sws[28] = {"Circus","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw3n16n4wn4sesw2s"}
sws[29] = {"City of Amador","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w9s13wn"}
sws[30] = {"Coral Kingdom","run 42s22w3sd"}
sws[31] = {"Cougarian Queendom","run sws3w2n4e3n2e5n2e2n"}
sws[32] = {"Council of the Wyrm","run 2s17e2s6en15e11en8e2sdwdw;open w;run 5w2des2en2es2ene2ds2wnws4wn2wd3es; open e; run 2en;open e;run 2es2en;open e; run e2s5d"}
sws[33] = {"Courts of Chaos","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w15w3n5w2n4w"}
sws[34] = {"Coven","run 2s25e6s"}
sws[35] = {"Covenant of Mistridge","run 2s17e2s6en15e9e16n8e3n"}
sws[36] = {"Cradlebrook","run 2s17es15es"}
sws[37] = {"Crystalmir Lake","run 2s10wn2wn9w3nw"}
sws[38] = {"Cthos Mishrak","run 2s17e2s6en15e8e3n9e"}
sws[39] = {"Curse of the Midnight Fens","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw30n25w"}
sws[40] = {"Dangerous Neighborhood","run 6s3ws"}
sws[41] = {"Dark Continent, Abend","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w"}
sws[42] = {"Dark Elf Stronghold","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw32n8e12neu"}
sws[43] = {"Dark Temple of Zyian","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w9s11w4s3ws3w2n"}
sws[44] = {"Darkside of Dominia","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw10n8es2n;ent jet"}
sws[45] = {"Deadlights","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w21ws2nun2ununwn4u"}
sws[46] = {"Death Gate","run 8s3en;vis;say yes"}
sws[47] = {"Deaths Manor","Run 2s8wse6s10w"}
sws[48] = {"Deathtrap Dungeon","run 8su2nwdn"}
sws[49] = {"Den Of Thieves","run sws3wnwu4es"}
sws[50] = {"Descent to Hell","run 2s17e2s6en15e11en8e2sd"}
sws[51] = {"Desert Doom","run 2s17e2s6en15e9e13nunu"}
sws[52] = {"Desert Prison","run 2s17e2s6en15e7e6ne"}
sws[53] = {"Diamond Soul Revelation","run sws3wnw"}
sws[54] = {"Dortmund","run 2s27e"}
sws[55] = {"Drageran Empire","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w9s17ws2ws3w2s2w"}
sws[56] = {"Dragon Cult","run 13s5ende3u2s9e"}
sws[57] = {"Dragon Mountain","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w9s15w2s"}
sws[58] = {"Dragon Tower","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn5w7s2e"}
sws[59] = {"Dread Tower","run 2s16wn6wsw"}
sws[60] = {"Dungeon of Doom","run 2s17e2s6en15e13s10ed"}
sws[61] = {"Dwarven Catacombs","run 22sunuw"}
sws[62] = {"Dwarven Kingdom","run 22sunuwu;op s;run swse;op s;run 2s3w3s"}
sws[63] = {"Earth Plane 4","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw17n29e26n"}
sws[64] = {"Eighteenth Dynasty","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw17n7en4en3n;open d;run 4dws"}
sws[65] = {"Elemental Canyon","run sws3wne5wsu"}
sws[66] = {"Empire of Talsa","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw38n3e12n"}
sws[67] = {"Empire of the Tsuranuanni","run 33s31w10s23w14s31wsu"}
sws[68] = {"Entrance to Hades","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w8w6s"}
sws[69] = {"Fabled City of Stone","run 2s17e2s6en18e5sws2w2ses2e4swsw5s4e4sd"}
sws[70] = {"Faerie Tales","run 6sues"}
sws[71] = {"Faerie Tales II","run 6sue2s2w2s3e"}
sws[72] = {"Falcovnia","run 2s17e2s6en2es6e5s3eu2nenen4eseu"}
sws[73] = {"Fantasy Fields","run 4nw;op n;run 2ne7n6e;sleep"}
sws[74] = {"Flying Citadel","run 2s17e2s6en15e5end"}
sws[75] = {"Foolish Promises","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw38n8w7n20wu"}
sws[76] = {"Forest of LiDnesh","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw13n5e"}
sws[77] = {"Fort Terramire","run sws3wneu"}
sws[78] = {"Fortress of Angband","run 6sue3nun2un2uwndn"}
sws[79] = {"Gallows Hill","run 33s2e3s"}
sws[80] = {"Gauntlet","run sws3wne7w3s"}
sws[81] = {"Gelidus","run 4ne2nw24n"}
sws[82] = {"Giants Pet Store","run 2s14ene3n;open w;w;open w;run wsws"}
sws[83] = {"Gilda And The Dragon","run 27s5w"}
sws[84] = {"Goblin Fortress","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn21w11sd"}
sws[85] = {"Goblin Path","run 2s4e3seswsws6e"}
sws[86] = {"Gold Rush","run 2s10wn2w2n"}
sws[87] = {"Grand City of Aylor: The Mob Barney","run 6s3e1s"}
sws[88] = {"Graveyard","run 2s17e2s7e"}
sws[89] = {"Great City of Knossos","run 42s5s10w6se3nenwnd"}
sws[90] = {"Great Salt Flats","run 2s17e2s6en15e9e13nu"}
sws[91] = {"Halls of the Damned","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w27wne"}
sws[92] = {"High Tower of Sorcery","run 23s19w6s"}
sws[93] = {"Highlands","run 4nw;op n;run 2ne4n15n9ws7w3n"}
sws[94] = {"History of Black Adder","run 4nw;op n;run 2ne4n15n9ws7w16n2wnwnw3ne2n2wn"}
sws[95] = {"Hotel Orlando","run 2s10wn10w3n"}
sws[96] = {"Icy Caldera of Mauldoon","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw33nw5n16w2n"}
sws[97] = {"Imperial City of Reme","run 2s26en8e"}
sws[98] = {"Infestation","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw8nen"}
sws[99] = {"Into the Long Night","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w2w20s15wd"}
sws[100] = {"Island of Lost Time","run 33s22w2n9wn"}
sws[101] = {"Island of Stardock","run 42s12s11en"}
sws[102] = {"Isle of Quake","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw17n28e5n"}
sws[103] = {"Jennys Tavern","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw17n7en10enes2e2n7en;open u;u"}
sws[104] = {"Jungles of Verume","run sws3w2n"}
sws[105] = {"Keep of Mahn-Tor","run 22sunusw10n"}
sws[106] = {"Kerofk","run sws3wnew4s"}
sws[107] = {"Killing Fields","run 2s17e2s6en15e12e"}
sws[108] = {"Kingdom of Ahner","run 28s7w"}
sws[109] = {"Kul Tiras","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w9s11w4s3ws4w2s3w"}
sws[110] = {"Labyrinth","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw15n14e"}
sws[111] = {"Land of Dominia","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw10n8es"}
sws[112] = {"Land of Legend","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw2ne"}
sws[113] = {"Land of Oz","run 13s5ende3u"}
sws[114] = {"Land of the Beer Goblins","run 2s17wn13w"}
sws[115] = {"Land of the Fire Newts","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw12n10e"}
sws[116] = {"Lost City of Atlantis","run 42s4s4e3s"}
sws[117] = {"Lowlands Paradise 96","run 2s8e4n2w"}
sws[118] = {"Magical Hodgepodge","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw8ne4n2ese2w4n"}
sws[119] = {"Market Road","run 33s2es4e"}
sws[120] = {"Marshlands of Agroth","run 22sunus5w5n"}
sws[121] = {"Mirror Realm","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw10n8es2ne"}
sws[122] = {"Misty Shores of Yarr","run 42s4s18e"}
sws[123] = {"Monastery","run 2s27e8wne"}
sws[124] = {"Mossflower Wood","run 2s17e2s6en15e6e19s2e"}
sws[125] = {"Mount Olympus","run 2s26e3n"}
sws[126] = {"Mountains of Desolation","run 6suen"}
sws[127] = {"MYST","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn15ws13w3sw2s3ws4w2n2w7s4w"}
sws[128] = {"Nanjiki Ruins","run 2s17e2s6en2es6en7e6e21s6es4eses"}
sws[129] = {"Necromancers Guild","run 2s17e2s8es2e5ses;open s;run 3s"}
sws[130] = {"New Thalos","run 33s2wsw5s"}
sws[131] = {"Northstar","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw3n16n4w6nu;open n;n;"}
sws[132] = {"Nottingham","run 2s17e2s6en15e25s3e"}
sws[133] = {"Old Cathedral","run 2s27e10w"}
sws[134] = {"Old Thalos","run 33s2wsw5sw"}
sws[135] = {"Olde Worlde Carnivale","run 2s8e2s"}
sws[136] = {"Onslaught of Chaos","run 2s17e2s6en2es6e7se5se3s3en2ws"}
sws[137] = {"Oradrins Chosen","run 33s31w10s13we"}
sws[138] = {"Orchard","run 2s9e2n"}
sws[139] = {"Paradise Lost","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw33n4e"}
sws[140] = {"Peaceful Giant Village","run 6sds2e2n"}
sws[141] = {"Pirate Ship","run 2s4e3seswd"}
sws[142] = {"Pompeii","run 42s5s2e"}
sws[143] = {"Port","run 2s17e2s6en2es6e7se5se3s2e"}
sws[144] = {"Prison","run 13s5ende2un"}
sws[145] = {"Raganatittu","run 2s17e2s6en15e4e18s"}
sws[146] = {"Ranger Heaven","run 2s17e2s6en15e4e7su"}
sws[147] = {"Rats Lair","run 13s2w;open south;run sd"}
sws[148] = {"Realm of Evil Heroes","run 2s26en14e2s3e;open d;run dw3n3es;open s;s;open s;run 2s;open w;run 3w"}
sws[149] = {"Reman Conspiracy","run 2s26en14e2s3e;open d;run dw"}
sws[150] = {"River of Despair","run 2s17e5se"}
sws[151] = {"Rokugan, The Shadowlands","run 13s5ende2us"}
sws[152] = {"Ruins of Diamond Reach","run 13s5ende2uw"}
sws[153] = {"Sanctity of Eternal Damnation","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw3n21n9w9nw3ne2ne4n9wn2w2nd"}
sws[154] = {"Scarred Lands","run 8su2nwds"}
sws[155] = {"School of Horror","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w15w3n5w5n3e5n"}
sws[156] = {"Sennarre Lake","run 2s14w10n"}
sws[157] = {"Seven Wonders","run 42s5s10w6swn"}
sws[158] = {"Shadar Logoth","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw21n16wswsws2w3s2eu"}
sws[159] = {"Shayol Ghul","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w9s11w4s3w4swu"}
sws[160] = {"Silver Volcano","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w18w2s"}
sws[161] = {"Slaughter House","run 6suense11n"}
sws[162] = {"Snuckles Village","run 32s13e"}
sws[163] = {"Soulblade","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w9s11w5sw"}
sws[164] = {"Southern Ocean","run 22s"}
sws[165] = {"Stonekeep","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w4s24w;jump shaft"}
sws[166] = {"Storm Mountain","run sws3wnu"}
sws[167] = {"Tairha Laym","run 6suen2s8e"}
sws[168] = {"Takedas Warcamp","run 2s17e2s6en15e9e16n4e2n"}
sws[169] = {"Temple of Shalindrael","run 2s17wnws"}
sws[170] = {"Temple of Shouggoth","run 6sds2enw"}
sws[171] = {"Temple of the White Lotus","run sws3wne3w2s"}
sws[172] = {"Three Pillars of Diatz","run 22sun2u"}
sws[173] = {"Tir na nOg","run 2s17e2s6en15e6e26s"}
sws[174] = {"Touchstone Cavern","run 13s5en"}
sws[175] = {"Tournament Camps","run 27se"}
sws[176] = {"Tournament of Illoria","run 2s10wn2wn4wn8wn14w15w3n5w5n3e4n9es"}
sws[177] = {"Town of New Ofcol","run 2s4e3sesws"}
sws[178] = {"Town of Solace","run 2s4e3seswn"}
sws[179] = {"Tree of Life","run 2s14w8nu"}
sws[180] = {"Uncharted Oceans","run 33s31w10s"}
sws[181] = {"Uncharted Oceans: Gladiators Arena","run 8s3e6s4w21su"}
sws[182] = {"UnderDark","run sws3wne"}
sws[183] = {"Unearthly Bonds","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw38n6w14n"}
sws[184] = {"Valley of the Elves","run 33s13w3s"}
sws[185] = {"Verdure Estate","run 33s2wsw5sw2s4w3s2wnen"}
sws[186] = {"Vidblain, the Ever Dark","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw16n25e;enter hole"}
sws[187] = {"War of the Wizards","run sws3wnd"}
sws[188] = {"Wedded Bliss","run 2s8esw11s6w2n"}
sws[189] = {"Were Wood","run 2s17e2s6en15e6e25s5e"}
sws[190] = {"Winterfell","run 6su2e"}
sws[191] = {"Wobbly Woes of Woobleville","run 2s4e3seswsw2n7e"}
sws[192] = {"Wood Elves of Nalondir","run 2s26e3s3e"}
sws[193] = {"Yggdrasil: The World Tree","run 42s8s14wu"}
sws[194] = {"Yurgach Domain","run 8su2nwde"}
sws[195] = {"Mega-City One", "run 4ne;op n;run 2nw16n25e;enter hole"}
sws[196] = {"Bard", "run 2s4e3ses"}
sws[197] = {"Bard Potions", "run 2s4e3sese"}
sws[198] = {"Bard Armor", "run 2s4e3se2suw"}
sws[199] = {"Bard Weapons", "run 2s4e3se2sus"}
sws[200] = {"Crusader", "run sw"}
sws[201] = {"Crusader Armor", "run swswne"}
sws[202] = {"Crusader Squire", "run swswnw"}
sws[203] = {"Crusader Supplies", "run sw3sws"}
sws[204] = {"Crusader Weapons", "run sw2n"}
sws[205] = {"Crusader Potions", "run sw2sw"}
sws[206] = {"Seekers", "run 8su"}
sws[207] = {"Seekers Armor", "run 8sund"}
sws[208] = {"Identifier", "run 2s4e2n"}
sws[209] = {"Campaign", "run 2s4e2nu"}
sws[210] = {"Apothecary", "run 11s2e"}
sws[211] = {"Bank", "run 11s"}
sws[212] = {"Questor", "run 8s"}
sws[213] = {"Fido", "run 2s4e3n"}
sws[214] = {"Pet Shop", "run 10se"}
sws[215] = {"Florist", "run 2s5e2n"}
sws[216] = {"Ravi", "run 4n2wn"}
sws[217] = {"Vidblain", "run 4ne;op n;run 2nw16n25e;enter hole"}
sws[218] = {"Light", "run 2s8eswnd"}
sws[219] = {"Descent to Hell part 1", "run wdw;op w;run w"}
sws[220] = {"Descent to Hell stone", "run wdw;op w;run 5w2d"}
sws[221] = {"Descent to Hell fire", "run wdw;op w;run 5w2des2en2es2ene2ds"}
sws[222] = {"Descent to Hell ice", "run wdw;op w;run 5w2des2en2es2ene2ds2wnws4wn3wd"}
sws[223] = {"Descent to Hell admin", "run wdw;op w;run 5w2des2en2es2ene2ds2wnws4wn3wd3es;sneak;open e;run 2en;open e;run es3en;op e;run e2s;op w;run w"}
sws[224] = {"Descent to Hell maintenance", "run wdw;op w;run 5w2des2en2es2ene2ds2wnws4wn3wd3es;sneak;open e;run 2en;open e;run es3en;op e;run e2s;op s;run s"}
sws[225] = {"Gold Rush Main Street","run 2s10wn2w11n"}
sws[226] = {"Gold Rush Grand Hotel","run 2s10wn2w15nw"}
sws[227] = {"Gold Rush Mine","run 2s10wn2w6n4w;enter car"}
sws[228] = {"Gold Rush Deep","run 2s10wn2w6n4w;enter car;run eses;;echo @Mlook f@mor t@Mhe cr@mack @Min the@w floor"}
sws[229] = {"Labyrinth teleport","run en"}
sws[230] = {"Labyrinth camp","run e2nw4s3wn2w"}
sws[231] = {"Labyrinth green","run e2nw4s3wn3wnws2w3n2e2n3e"}
sws[232] = {"Labyrinth whoops","run e2nw4s3wn3wnws2wne"}
sws[233] = {"Labyrinth hive","run 4ne;op n;run 2nw15n15e2nw4s3wn3wnws2w3n2e2n4eswsw;echo enter hive"}
sws[234] = {"Kingdom of Ahner castle gate","run 8n"}
sws[235] = {"Kingdom of Ahner foyer","run 8n;open n;run 4n;open n; run n"}
sws[236] = {"Kingdom of Ahner tricky troll","run 8n;open n;run 3nw"}
sws[237] = {"Kingdom of Ahner dark forest","run 3n2e"}
sws[238] = {"Kingdom of Ahner oreh hideout","run 3n2en;open e;run e"}
sws[239] = {"Kingdom of Ahner stairs","run 8n;open n;run 4n;open n; run 4n2u"}
sws[240] = {"Raganatittu village","run n3e2s2ws"}
sws[241] = {"Raganatittu cave","run n3e2s2w3s3es"}
sws[242] = {"Raganatittu peak","run n3e2s2w3s3e2ueu"}
sws[243] = {"Raganatittu jungle","run n3e2s2w4s"}
sws[244] = {"Yurgach Domain rift","run 4s2w;enter rift"}
sws[245] = {"Yurgach Domain cliff","run s2u"}
sws[246] = {"Yurgach Domain small cave","run 5s"}
sws[247] = {"Yurgach Domain the gate","run 4sw5s3e2s2e3s2e3se"}
sws[247] = {"Yurgach Domain stairs","run 4sw5s3e2s2e3s2e3se;open s;run s4e2d"}

function list_iter (t)
local i = 0
local n = table.getn(t)
return function ()
i = i + 1
if i <= n then return t[i] end

function sw (sName,sLine,wildcards)
targetArea = string.lower(string.gsub(string.gsub(wildcards[1],"'",""),'\\',''))
for element in list_iter(sws) do
if targetArea == string.lower(element[1]) then
if wildcards[2] then
if wildcards[2] == 'p' then
ColourNote("white","red", "The SW to: " .. element[1] .. " is " .. element[2])
elseif wildcards[2] == 'ft' then
Send("ftalk ".. element[1] .." is like @R" .. element[2] .. "@w" )
elseif wildcards[2] == 'answer' then
Send("answer ".. element[1] .." is like " .. element[2] .. "" )
elseif wildcards[2] == 'reply' then
Send("reply ".. element[1] .." is like " .. element[2] .. "" )
ColourNote("white","green","Running to: " .. element[1])
Send(string.gsub(element[2],";","\n") .. "\nwhere")
end -- sw

<!-- Plugin help -->


function OnHelp ()
world.Note (world.GetPluginInfo (world.GetPluginID (), 3))


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